Sunday, August 5, 2012

What they don’t teach you at Harvard Business School

It is funny to see how a book makes itself available to be read by you, even if you may have ignored it time and again. I had purchased “What they don’t teach you at Harvard Business School” almost four years, at my regular roadside vendor in the Deccan area of Pune. It went unread at that time because of the other books I had purchased along with it – I guess a couple of Dan Brown thrillers.

Later, on more than a couple of occasions, I tried to pick up the book for reading, but every time put it down thinking it to be another of those management gospels.

Last week, I visited the local library; and there was this book, silently pleading me to give it a try. I leafed through a few pages, and was instantly captivated by it. So…. No, I didn’t issue the book! I replaced it on the shelf, didn’t take any other book, went home and started reading my owm copy, hehe!

And I finished reading it over a single weekend.

I have not been to Harvard, so I have no idea what stuff they teach there; but this book provides some true street-smart advice. Written by Mark McCormick, who founded the International Management Group (IMG), this less-than-250-pages copy packs a lot of valuable ideas and practical solutions to everyday hurdles faced not only by CEOs and other top-end executives, but also by almost everyone who works in a corporate environment.

The book is divided into three sections: People, Sales and Negotiation and Running a business. Each section has about 4 to 6 chapters each. The author doesn’t waste his time (and the readers’ time) by vexing eloquent on the ideas he wants to share; he quickly gets to the point, shares some interesting anecdotes and then moves on to the next theme.

I enjoyed reading almost all the chapters, even though some of them were targeted towards the sales people or the management; you will always find some interesting insight in each page. My top favourite chapters would be ‘Creating impressions’, ‘Getting ahead’, ‘Timing’, ‘Silence’, and ‘Getting Things Done’.

The edition I have seems quite dated, but almost all the advice seems relevant even today.

Don’t take this book from a library  – buy it! It is worth the every rupee you will spend on it!